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Course ID: ansible
This course provides an overview of Kubernetes with an Azure focus. The goal of this course is to understand how Azure Kubernetes works and how it can be used to maximize your deployments. This course will also include hands-on labs.
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Categories: Cloud, All
  • Description
  • Course Outline

Course Description

This Technical Training will allow you to automate system administration tasks on managed hosts with Ansible. Learn how to create Ansible playbooks for standardization of task execution, manage encryption of Ansible Vaults, and how to leverage Ansible in a DevOps environment.

Learning Objectives

Course Content

Module 1:

+      Configuration Management Overview

+      Configuration Management Use Cases

+      What is Ansible

+      Ansible Components Module 2:

+      Installing and Deploying Ansible Module 3:

+      Real World Use Cases

+      System Configuration management

+      Infrastructure Configuration Management

Module 4:

+      Ansible Playbooks

+      Plays and Tasks

+      Ansible Modules Module 5:

+      Managing Variables and Inclusions Module 6:

+      Implementing Task Control

+      Looping and Conditions

+      Lab

Module 7:

+      Jinja Templating

+      Jinja Conditional Statements

+      Lab Module 8:

+      Ansible Roles and Galaxy

+      Example of Roles Module 9:

+      Optimizing Ansible

+      Lab

Module 10:

+      SSH Keys and Credentials

Module 11:

+      Ansible Vault

+      Lab Module 12:

+      Ansible Troubleshooting

+      Lab Module 13:

+      Version Control

+      GITHub

+      Lab

Module 14:

+      Ansible Tower

+      Use Cases

+      Role Based Access Control

+      Jobs and Workflows


Lab 1: Environment Setup Lab 2: Deploying Ansible

Lab 3: Implementing Playbooks

Lab 4: Managing Variables and Inclusions Lab 5: Implementing Task Control

Lab 6: Ansible Modules

Lab 7: Implementing Jinja2 Template Lab 8: Implementing Ansible Vault Lab 9: Optimizing Ansible

Lab 10: Implementing Roles Lab 11: Troubleshooting Lab 12: Version Control

Module  1: Introduction to Docker

  • Docker History
  • Overview of the Container Architecture
  • Docker Features and Versions
  • Overview of the Docker Architecture

Module 2: Installing Docker on Linux

  • Setting up Environment
  • Installing Pre-requisites
  • Installing Docker

Module 3: Managing Containers

  • Managing the Life Cycle of Containers
  • Why containers are lightweight
  • How to create, start, and run containers

Module 4: Managing Container Images

  • Overview of Docker Images
  • Terminology of Docker images
  • Create and Commit images, images vs containers
  • Learn about Docker registry and Docker Hub

Module 5: Building Dockerfile

  • What is a Dockerfile
  • Creating a Dockerfile
  • Examine the Dockerfile build process

Module 6: Container Orchestration

  • Shift in Application Architectures
  • Container Orchestration Engines (COEs)
  • Kubernetes Overview

Module 7: Kubernetes Overview

  • Kubernetes Cluster Components
  • Master and Worker Nodes
  • Bootstrapping a Cluster
  • Accessing a Cluster

Module 8: Kubernetes Building Blocks

  • PODs
  • Labels
  • Deployments
  • Rolling Updates


Lab 1 : Installing and Configuring Docker

Lab 2 : Managing Docker Containers

Lab 3 : Managing Container Images

Lab 4 : Setting up a Persistent Docker Registry

Lab 5 : Building a Dockerfile

Lab 6 : Kubernetes Cluster Installation

Lab 7 : Kubernetes Lab